Saturday, September 28, 2013


odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki

odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki - face odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki - face-feed [de]+[en]-

a certain symmetry between google and facebook

If it wouldn’t be all so sad I’d say I’m having fun with the NSA-wiki. There’s a certain symmetry between google and facebook and the wiki(s) unite(s) them.

Monday, September 9, 2013


odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki

odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki - face odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki - face-feed [de]+[en]-

Titanic ↓

Staats-Sicherheit, Stasi, national security, GCHQ, one big soup. It’s sad. The internet was a nice illusion for all. The only consequence we can take - and for some weird reason I go for that since years - is do things public. There is no privacy. This idea is early 21st, gone. Like the fucking Titanic ↓.