Tuesday, April 23, 2013


odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki

odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki - face odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki - face-feed [de]+[en]-

it happened

For the record: It happened on Alex Schröder’s fabulous oddmuse wiki engine. In ~ 2005 Lion Kimbro invented the local names, I followed up with the day-page-sets later.

Friday, April 12, 2013


odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki

odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki - face odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki - face-feed [de]+[en]-

bras, guinea-pigs

Wikis are like guinea-pigs. They are masters of: The possibly lowest degree of agression with the highest density of population. That’s about what we’re facing as humans on mo’ earth. Guinea-pigs have interesting patterns to deal with over population.

Wikis are like bras: contents counts

Thursday, April 11, 2013


odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki

odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki - face odd-wiki-hive - Mattis-Manzel-wiki - face-feed [de]+[en]-

global search

Cool: I only had to add some lines to the config and now it searches the entire wiki-hive when attaching ;global=1 to a search query in the main wiki. That’s excellent for removing spam, missed it before.

I do like the oddmuse!